Brother Gordon and Jeanette Morrison have been faithful members of Lancaster Baptist Church for a number of years. I can still remember the day when the Morrison family moved to Lancaster from Colorado to attend the church here. From the moment they arrived they had a heart to serve. It has been a great joy to be their pastor.

For some time now, Jeanette has battled cancer, all the while still faithful to soulwinning and church attendance. As I write this post, Jeanette is in the final stages of her battle with cancer.

This morning I was able to spend some time with the Morrison family. As I visited with Jeanette, the grace of God was evident in her life. We know that God is in control of every situation, and although sometimes we may not understand why, we must “cast all our care upon Him.”

James 4:14 says, “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.”

Life is short. It is at times like this when I am reminded how important it is to keep our relationship with God and family right. May we each live our lives in such a way that there would be no regrets in our dying or in our living.

Please pray for the Morrison family during this time.

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