The title of this book caught my eye while I was walking past a bookstore in the airport this summer. I purchased a copy for myself and also sent one to three of my spiritual mentors, asking them to read it and mark anything they felt should be underscored in my heart and life. Reading the book and getting their feedback was a tremendous help to me.

Leading on Empty reminds us that, as spiritual leaders, we must periodically refill our own tanks to be able to continue to give to others. Our determination to live with an eternal purpose and make every moment count for the Lord can too easily shift into a stress addiction, where we are driven forward by fleshly momentum.

This book charts a course to overcome stress addiction and burnout, and it also provides wise counsel for avoiding such dangers. It encourages readers to live with eternal values in mind, but to do so from a tank that is regularly replenished by God’s Spirit and to set their course through wise, purposeful choices.

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